Sunday, December 23, 2018

Whelp...another year, another lack of blogs....I was doing ok the first part, but then things got busy with my mom's estranged husband, finding her a lawyer, etc. etc ec.  Since he lied so much on the papers he filed with the court that he may have a nice vacation in the County Hotel in his future.  And when I say lied.....WOWZA!  Once this whole situation is over, I'll able to talk more. For now, he's a liar and we have proof.

Moving on.........

As soon as this whole mess is over with, we (Mom, Daniel, Deanna and I) have decided to all move in together.   Deanna worries about Mom and I all by ourselves and what would happen if one or both of us got hurt.  Not to mention that she worries we aren't eating right, taking care of ourselves, being safe...etc.  Moving in will allow her to feel better about things and remove that particular stress from her life. We're looking for a large enough house that we can each have a room, with enough room for offices/game room/etc.  We looked at one that would work, it's got three bedroom, 2 bath upstairs, then a walk out basement with four more bedrooms and a bathroom, kitchen and utility.  We'd live upstairs, have an office upstairs for crafting, office work, etc and a game room downstairs with places to hold game (we have a pen and paper gaming group).    This isn't a sudden decision, we've been kicking it around for years. But we really think that this is the right time.

Those who know me, know my daughter Deanna, if not in person then at least by my tales.  She's going through a tough time right now.  I'm not going to expound on it, but happy, loving and healing thoughts are welcome for her and her husband, Daniel.

The fur kids are still my babies...though I swear if Oscar doesn't learn to chill out when someone drives on the ROAD  outside my house, I'm going to braid his vocal cords!  I had surgery in August, I had a bone spur on my arm and inflamed bursa.  At first it looked like a torn rotator cuff or bicept tendon.  Lucky for me, it wasn't.  They sanded down the spur as it was rubbing on my muscles and tendons and making it hurt to move my arm.  And he removed some inflamed Bursa.  My thanks go to Dr. Sadani of Harrison, Arkansas for the exceptional job he did...and some eye candy on top.

After my surgery I spent three days with Deanna to be "watched", lol.  Taco went with me and the first thing he did was walk OFF the sofa bed and bloody his nose.  He was more shocked than hurt, but I nearly passed out.   I HOLLARED for Deanna and Daniel who came running because of the panic in my voice; they thought *I* had been hurt...  Taco is ok, now.  But I wish it would teach him to pay attention to where he's going. But I doubt it.

Scruffy has a tumor on his side, and it's getting larger.  The vet says it's a benign tumor that we can have removed, but at Scruffy's age (he was born in 2005), we're not going to do it unless it REALLY bothers him.  The risk of anesthesia/surgery/etc is just SO hard on them.  He has started scratching at it, and I'm giving him some mild pain reliever occasionally; if it gets worse, a decision might have to be made.  With Damian, Sassy and Kal gone, Scruffy and Lex are all that's left.

Lex...ahh, my little (!) Piniped........ He got hurt a while back, Scruffy got into it with him and was dragging him under the bed where I couldn't get to them...  I got Lex away from Scruffy, but I guess Scruffy lost a part of a tooth. I THOUGHT it was over...I cleaned it out, it seemed to heal, but it had this hard center....eventually, that popped.....and we found the tooth fragment.  Got him cleaned out and treated and he's fine now...still a little head-shy.  I thought he might have had some sort of TIA or something because pre-pop his entire head was swollen and he seemed blind, or close to it.  The vet xrayed but didn't see anything.  We were going to take him into lance it the next day, but Lex beat us to it, lol

Annie is my little Chain Ganger.  She escapes from any place and thus has to go out on a cable.  She HATES it, but I'll do what I have got to do what ever it takes to keep her safe.She lost a lot of her hair this summer due to a flea infestation...NOTHING killed them!  I swear we used orals, shampoo, dips, powder (organic and chemical) and NOTHING got rid of them.  Even the immediate death pill (Capstar) didn't curtail them.  I'm praying by next flea season we're OUT of here.

The cats are well...KoKo (mom's cat) has settled in perfectly.  Toothless is in LOVE with him...but unfortunately for Toothless, KoKo doesn't swing that way.  One odd thing is that since KoKo moved in, Toothless has decided he "hates" Archangel!  I've got a bottle of water with a little vinegar in it that I use to persuade Toothless to be nice, but Archangel has NO idea why Toothless has turned from the loving brother who brought Archangel.  David is holding his own...his tummy problems and the damage to his rectal muscles mean he has accidents sometimes...but what's a little poop around friends; right?

One change this year is I'm playing Star Wars The Old Republic.  It's a time dump, I guess...but some of the stories are great.  Of course Deanna and Daniel are far more into it than I am.  They've become a vital part of their Guild (a group of people who work with each other for the social aspect).

Mom and I, after looking around a little, have decided to begin playing an online MMRPG together.  I'm going to suggest the SIMS too, but we will see what happens.  So far we're both more frustrated than having fun, but once we learn how to do things, I'm hoping we enjoy it.   If anyone has any suggestion for an online game simple enough our old brains to learn, let me know.

Ok...I've decided to begin asking a question at the end of my blogs.  If you're moved to share your answer, go for it...that's what Comments are for.

Do you believe in the supernatural such as ghosts, portals, ley lines, telepathy, past lives etc?

Annnnnnnnnnndddddddddd GO!

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