Long time no write....no excuse, really, just time and desire never seemed to get together. I'm in a horrible flare thanks to my CRPS (what is that? See my previous post in Feb about it) and on top of the two other "owies" that have developed, my pain level is no longer a 3. More like a 5; which is far better than before the Pain Pump.
Speaking of Pain Pump, it's closing in on a year since I got mine. August 3rd 2017 is sorta like a second birthday for me. It's the day I got my life BACK. So I'm hoping to do something to celebrate that this year. The ability to have my pain controlled is one of the best gifts I've ever received, second only to the birth of my daughter. I've hit the "maintence" part of the pump now...we're pretty much where we want to be, though some adjustment is still needed. The more I'm able to move around, stay out of bed, do things, the more my body hurts; in a good way, but still. Plus I'm having some pain in my upper left arm and upper left leg, which is so far not diagnosed as we are still doing tests. So far, after a nerve conduction test, the docs are pretty sure I have either damage to the shoulder joint, or a torn rotator cuff. It may have been this way for a while, perhaps even years, but this pain was masked by the overwhelming CRPS pain. The other problem is my left thigh/hip/knee; kinda hard to pin point where it starts. I'm due to have a second nerve conduction test the 12th on the leg this time. I can't have an MRI, which is the preferred type of test, because of my spinal cord stimulator, so we have to go old school. If we can't get a determination from the nerve test, then probably a round of XRays and CT scans. Reminds me of an old joke....skip if you've heard it.....
"A man brought his cat to the vet after it was hit by a car. The cat was clearly beyond saving and the Vet put his hand on the man's shoulder and said, "Im sorry Mr Mann, Fluffy has died". The man was beside himself, how would he tell his wife....his kids! "Are you sure? You didn't even do any tests!" the man demanded. The vet sighed, went to the telephone and a minute later a beautiful black Labrador came into the room, sniffed the cat all over and then sat down and shook his head.
Still, the man wasn't convinced..."there has to be something else!" The vet sighed again and went back to the phone and a few second later a kitty came in, sniffed Fluffy all over, sat down and shook his head at the Vet. Finally convinced there was nothing the man could do, he left Fluffy and went to pay his bill. :That'll be $650", said the receptionist. "$650", yelled the man, "How can it be that much when Fluffy was already dead?" The vet walked in at that point and said, "Well, it would only have been $20, but you demanded LAB tests and a CAT scan"
(Told you it was old)
Anyway, such is life....please don't hit me for that joke....don't shoot the messenger! On the good (or great) side...Mom has an attorney now. Thank goddess for this man (I won't mention his name until I get permission). He's already found out that all the property her ex was so careful to put into his name is marital property since it was filed after the marriage. And the house they built is one of the few really BIG houses in that area; like 4000sq ft big. He's already filed the divorce papers and now it's just a waiting game for her estranged husband to file a response. Mom's attorney said the divorce would take at LEAST 4-6 months and possibly over a year or more if they have to fight for every butter knife....which knowing her ex, I'm sure they will. After all, he decided that things she owned 40 years before she met him is his, not to mention all the gifts (like her tablet!) that she was given he considers HIS. He'll fight. But in the end, (knock on wood) it will all work out for the best.
Mom and I are looking around at houses, nothing serious, but finding what is out there and learning about neighborhoods and the like, since we are planning to get a house in town when her divorce is final. She wants to buy a place and has invited me to go with her. So it looks like mom and I will be living together from now on. Unless of course, she kills me over my slobby ways. Yes, she's a clean freak and I'm....well, not. Anyway. I was playing around designing houses in my Planner 5D and jokingly said, "Here is our house, Mom!". We laughed that now we just had to find it. The next day a new house came on the market (or at least on Zillow) and I swear to you, it is very similar (very very!) to the house I designed.....right down to the bump out windows I put my plan.
We wanted to go see it, but not going to happen, so we'll just keep on watching the market and trying our best to learn about the neighborhoods in Harrison. Thanks to Google Earth, we can at least see the outside of them...and most on Zillow have interior pictures. There isn't a rush yet, though mom has a bit of a timetable at the end of the divorce in regards to her social security and insurance. But we'll figure it out.....we always do!
Ok, enough for today....though I keep thinking there is something I meant to say and have forgotten. Today is the day Deanna and DAniel do all the shopping and bill paying, so they are going to be bizzy bees today. A HUGE thank you out to Daniel and Deanna for all they do.
Until next time...hit play and don't interrupt your life by pausing!